645 Poplar St, Terre Haute IN 47807, USA

Table of Duties – To Husbands (with commentary)

Table of Duties


To Husbands

Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. [1 Peter 3:7]

Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. [Col. 3:19]

Pastor’s Commentary

Martin Luther writes in one of his bible commentaries, “Inwardly we are all the same and there is no differentiation between husband and wife. But externally, God would have it that the husband rules and that the wife is subject to him.” God has given men and women for different purposes, the man is the giver and provider and protector, while the woman is the receiver and supporter and nurturer. The man, created first, is the God-given head of the family, the wife, given life from the side of the first man, is subject (remains in the correct order) to her husband.

God has given men and women for different purposes, the man is the giver and provider and protector, while the woman is the receiver and supporter and nurturer.

The husband is to remember that the wife is God’s blessing to him, and is God’s tool or implement (vessel) who carries and bears children, nourishes them, and works to nourish and care for him. So the husband is to carry out his proper role as husband, not stubbornly or thoughtlessly, not with harshness and crudeness, but with understanding (of who gave him his wife and how she is created to be unique), respect, honor, and self-giving love.

The apostle Peter also teaches husbands that their wife is a joint heir with him in the Kingdom of God, and that sinning against the neighbor is a sin against God – and sin hinders our prayers to God (Our Father, 5th Petition). Sinning against the wife by a husband denies that God is the giver of a blessing of a spouse, and hinders the prayers and faith of both himself and his wife.

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