645 Poplar St, Terre Haute IN 47807, USA

Music for the Eighth Sunday after Trinity

Defend Thy truth, O GodĀ  The ENTRANCE HYMN, ā€œO Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Beholdā€ (TLH 260) is Martin Lutherā€™s Ā (1483-1546) hymn on Psalm 12.Ā  Written in 1523, it is one of his earliest.Ā  In daily prayer in the monastery, Luther learned the psalms by heart, so they served as the basis for a number of his hymns.Ā  Luther also wrote hymns on Psalms 14, 46, 67, 128, and 130.

Though many things have changed since Lutherā€™s time, his hymn is just as timely today as when it was written.Ā  Christians and the Church face relentless attacks from the devil and the world.Ā  ā€œFor them My saving Word shall fight.ā€Ā  In all times, Christ is our only hope: ā€œThe wicked everywhere abound, And would Thy little flock confound; But Thou art our Salvation.ā€

I Trust When Dark My RoadĀ Ā  The HYMN OF THE DAY, ā€œIn God, My Faithful Godā€ (745) proclaims the reality of suffering in the Christian life.Ā  The Christian knows that life will not go smoothly all the time. At times, it might even seem unbearable.Ā  Rather than despair when challenges, difficulties, and temptations arise, we know that Our Lord is with us in every trial and that He has conquered death and hell: ā€œI build on Christ, who loves me; from this rock nothing moves me.ā€

The PRELUDE is a setting of ā€œIn God, My Faithful Godā€ (BWV 694) by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), from a collection of chorale preludes known as the Kirnberger chorales (BWV 690-713).Ā  They are named after a student of Bach, Johann Philipp Kirnberger (1721-1783) because of his work in publishing Bachā€™s chorale settings after Bachā€™s death.Ā  Todayā€™s Prelude features the melody played by the feet on the pedals on the 4ā€™ reed, while the hands play separate motifs: left hand on 8ā€™ and 2ā€™ flutes on the Swell; right hand on 8ā€™ and 4ā€™ flutes on the Great.

The Divine Service is at 8:30 and 10:30am. The lessons are Jeremiah 23.16ā€“29; Romans 8.12ā€“17; and St. Matthew 7.15ā€“23.
The hymns are: TLH 260 O Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Behold; 745 In God, My Faithful God; 636 Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness; 834 O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth; 693 O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace; 655 Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word
Voluntary: In God, My Faithful God -D. Buxtehude

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